snowdrop - defrosting and letting go
Snowdrop, the first brave soul to emerge in the Spring. Poking through frozen soil and even snow, snowdrop is a sign of hope and that change is on the horizon. Spring really is coming!
This sweet ally grows plentifully out the side door of the farmhouse and has ventured out past the boundary of the border into the middle of the grass. I can't look at all those little white blooms amongst the deep bright green grass-like leaves and not smile. I even get tear-y eyed with joy. The long Winter is coming to an end and look at this little tiny plants perservering through ice and snow to let us know year after year that Sping is on the way.
As a flower essence, working with snowdrop helps us to defrost, to warm up, to expand and release the tightness and what we are holding in the contraction. It unfreezes us and allows us to move on, to let go - and it does all of that so very gently.
Snowdrop gives us hope, shows us there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are able to move forward in a lighter, more joyful way. With ease and calm. Working with snowdrop during times of stuck grief, and in times of transition and transformation, can be beautiful. Snowdrop helps us easefully and peacefully lighten our grip on what is holding us (or what we are holding) and surrender with courage and clarity.
Each flower has its own unique energy, its own frequency, its very own unique medicine. Kinda like us! This blueprint is captured in a special bowl or chalice of water and imprinted with the solar help of the sun. It is then bottled and preserved with alcohol. Working with the flower essence attunes our frequency to the frequency of the flower and all that it has to so generously offer us.
There are countless ways to work with flower essences! Here are a few ideas. Let your creativity and the flower guide you. The most important thing is to be consistent taking the essence throughout the day or over a period of time. An essence can support you in an acute circumstance or you can work with one or more essences for a week or a month to truly tune in and align with what it has to offer.
3-4 drops, 3-4 times a day
- Dose directly into your mouth
- Drop into your water, tea, or other favorite beverage and sip throughout the day
- Add to your bath
- Blend into your skincare
- A few drops on your pillow before bed
- Try it in your food!
For educational purposes only
This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
snowdrop flower essence
snowdrop essence, filtered well water, local cherry apple brandy